11 Simple Ways To Enjoy A Road Trip In A Group

by roadmatix
Hippie friends on a road trip

In a place like India which has so much to offer, a simple chore can turn into an over the top experience. Like a simple drive for brunch can turn into an epic adventure or a weekend getaway can become a full-fledged outstation road trip. This blog post will tell you about 11 simple ways to enjoy a road trip and to have a smooth journey!

11 ways to enjoy your road trip

1. Choose a More Vibrant route

The next step after booking a car is deciding upon the route. You don’t want to choose a road which has no roadside eating joints for your snack break.

enjoy a road trip

For example, if you are traveling from Delhi – you can take a road trip to Agra via two different routes, Agra Expressway or Mathura Highway. Sure, the expressway is faster and shorter than the other one but there are only two or three pit stops in the whole journey. Similarly, Mathura highway goes through some famous tourist destinations like Mathura and Vrindavan. So it would be better to choose a long but scenic route for some extra fun.

2. Gather a Fun Crew

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No one wants to spend hours in a car with a backseat driver, wannabe singer or worse, a hypercritical person. So gather the ones who know how to relax and enjoy the journey. Choose the ones, who are good with directions, know how to drive and are open to new experiences. That is the only way to enjoy a road trip!

They should share the mutual enthusiasm for adventures which means accepting the challenges of a road trip. These include taking turns in driving, help in navigation and of course have a great music collection, which brings us to the third point. Infact, if you have a crew already and want some ideas on where to go to; check out this post.

3. Decide on Entertainment

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Most of the time, listening to some refreshing music can elevate the mood while driving, which can be calming for the driver. Compile a cool playlist with all your favorites and blast them all the way. If you rent a car for your road trip from Delhi, make sure that the car supports your phone operating system. Infact we have made it a little simpler for you by compiling some of our favorite road trip playlists.

You could also include some road trip games if you’re tired of listening to the same playlist over and over again. With music and games, there’s no way you can’t enjoy a road trip!


4. Keep the Documents Close to Your Heart

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I’m sure you have heard about the revised penalties for traffic rules violations and let me tell you, you should hold them dear to your life. A single missing document can cause a fine of thousands and after that, you have to find ways around the legal system in an unfamiliar city. So make sure you have proper documentation like Insurance, RC and driving license with you so when you get pulled over by cops, your fun doesn’t get pulled away.


5. Decide Your Roles

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Each one of us has something that we are good at, and we can do it better than anyone. While some of us can have great taste in music, some others are good at navigation.

Some people are good at finding amazing eateries and that’s why they should stick to their strengths. Find out who does what best and decide your roles in a way that all things run smoothly.

This will help you stay focused on the task in hand while also letting you enjoy the road trip!


6. Stop Munching on Fast Food

enjoy a road trip

We understand that on highways, your options are limited to just dhabas, if you find one that is. But this doesn’t give you a hall pass to start munching on cheeseburgers and caffeine.

We understand the occasional pit stop for a cup of tea or North Indian delights, but you should try to eat right while driving. This will help to keep you comfortable and energised throughout your journey.


7. Take a Rain Check on Night Driving

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This has to be a ground-rule while going on a road trip on Indian roads that you should avoid driving at night. Conditions of Indian roads are better now, with world-class infrastructure, but it can change drastically in a minute. No to mention the truckers and heavy vehicles who drive with high beams, right in your eye.

There are also high chances of running into wild animals or bad drivers, so try your best not to drive at night.


8. Look out for Trouble Spots

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If you are going on a long road trip, chances are you will find yourself in dangerous places, sooner or later. Suppose you are driving on Rohtang Jot (pass) and the weather starts to get a little unpredictable. In such cases, possibilities of a landslide are high and roads can get closed for hours. You may even get stranded, out in the cold. So look out for trouble spots and plan your road trip according to them.

9. Have an Escape Plan in Hand

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Whoever said that the journey is the destination was right in a sense. Sometimes, the road trip alone can become a full filling experience. So keep an extra route n mind, in case you feel the need to go back. Who knows, maybe you can have more fun while taking the escape route than you could have at your pre-planned destination.

10. Hire a self drive car or let someone else drive

There are a lot of options to choose from and one such is Avis offering both self-driven and chauffeur-driven car services.  We can always rent a self-drive car and they offer some great deals too which you can check on their website. Renting a self-drive car is also a great way to optimize the trip. Best part is, we also get to choose the type of car we want from a long list of SUVs, MUVs and even high-end luxury cars. And there’s an upside to having a driver too – you can just focus on all the Instagram worthy photos!

11. Explore more by hiring a travel expert

A little extra never hurt anybody. Try to add additional pitstops or places to see to your itinerary. As far as itineraries are concerned, who better than our Scouts to help you curate a road trip of a lifetime. Hire a Scout and travel confidently, discover destinations, experience new things, meet the locals and more. There’s nothing better than coming back home that you explored and didn’t commute.

So without further ado, check out these 11 ways to fully enjoy a road trip!

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